next generation field support
Smart Field Support has one goal: Improving the interaction between Human and Machine and optimize efficiency and safety. With Smart Field Support we bring valuable information to any field operator and help them to optimize their daily work. It is more challenging to find people with the right skills and train them efficiently while systems are getting more complex. Smart Field Support speeds up training while your most experienced crew has more time available.
The Augmented Reality based application shows documentation, real-time information and step by step procedures on all possible machines, installations or objects. It makes direct remote support possible from anyone in the world by allowing this person to look with you to the situation that needs your attention. This way unnecessary travelling will be eliminated and first-time-right support increased. The Augmented projections are available on tablets, phones or special glasses.
Welcome to our next generation field support application.
Smart Field Support is a flexible tool that can be adapted to different customer needs/desires and works on any device. Smart Field Support is build-out of different ‘building blocks’ that can be used separately and together. The user has one look and feel within the application and can choose which combination of building blocks best suits his need. This way the Smart Field Support application is scalable and fits anyone’s need and budget.
Augmented Reality Support
AR technology allows adding pre-set information, step by step instructions, (technical) drawings on a real-world situation. This replaces paper manuals and shows only the information needed. Operators do not lose time searching through endless stacks of paper and vital machine information is captured for the lifetime of the factory. Eliminating the risk of knowledge getting lost and dependency on a hand full of experienced personnel. New employees become self-supporting with much less training time.
Remote Support
Experienced personnel is hard to come bye. It is vital that their time is spent as efficiently as possible. The Remote support function of Smart Field Support allows experts to be in 2 places at the same time. With the push of a button, any operator can request support from an expert anywhere in the world. The expert can estimate a situation remotely, give hands-on instructions verbally and as well in drawings. This way colleagues can share their thoughts anytime a situation occurs that is not that common. OEM and Machine vendors can support their customers remotely by getting a visual of the local situation. Reduce travel time/cost, increasing first-time-right support and uptime for their customers.
Real-time data
By visualizing real-time data an operator gets access to information that is normally only available in the control room. He can make estimations in the field effectively. This is normally a 2 man job. Smart Field Support can as well visualise alarms and exactly show where these alarms originate from. An alarm can trigger a specific procedure this way the operator is allowed to take immediate action and prevent unnecessary downtime.
Step by Step procedures
Many installations require a strict procedure when operated. Doing this in the right order is of vital essence to reach optimal output and secure the safety of the operator and environment. Smart Field Support can show any procedure step by step and keeps track of who is performing what at which time. This way periotic checks or maintenance activities are logged directly. As well it reminds operators to perform the right safety steps before or after starting up a procedure.
Leave Virtual Sticky notes
On all installations that are embedded in the Smart Field Support application, virtual sticky notes can be left by any user. This way information can be shared easily. The sticky note allows operators to share anything they want to leave for their colleagues, the next shift or as a reminder for themselves. The notes can be left anywhere on the installation to highlight specific areas of attention.
Real time / Historical data
Everything that is measured in the installation can be shown directly to the operator. This way safety can be improved by showing temperatures, pressure, virtual safety lines and warnings. The data can be used as well to help to make funded decisions on how to operate the machine properly.
Email functionality
Get access to your email account and sending information, photo’s or screenshots can be done in the application. This allows fast sharing of information
Remote support
Machines become more complex every day while it is hard to keep critical knowledge up to date. Therefore it is important to make knowledge sharing as easy as possible. This is why Smart Field Support has inbuild support functionality and allows operators to reach out to colleagues of specialists all over the world. It is possible to set up a video feed to allow someone to look through your eyes and give instructions. This is as well very suitable for remote support from a service department. This way it is not always necessary to send a support engineer and should this be the case Smart Field Support allows the engineer to asses the needed tools and equipment before making the trip.
It takes time to train new employees. Time that is often not available and takes a lot of effort from your experienced employees. Smart Field Support allows anyone with basic technical knowledge to perform basic tasks in the field. This way your new employee will be up to speed faster and takes less valuable time of experienced workers.
Pop up Alarms
All installations give alarms when a sensor measures a specific threshold. But often it is difficult to see in reality what the cause of the alarm is or where to start searching. The Smart Field Support application allows pop up alarms being visualized anywhere in around the machine. This way an operator is guided to the cause directly and is enabled to start fixing the problem right away.
Access other applications
Any application can be accessed from the app. Often field operators already use specific applications to perform their job. Smart Field Support allows immediate access to those applications to avoid unnecessary searching and opening other applications.
Electrical schematics
By giving access to the right electrical schematic a service engineer is allowed to start immediately with his search should there be an electric failure. Should there be a change in the actual system the new as build drawing can be made available to everyone with access by uploading it to a specific folder. This can be done remotely if needed.
Safety compliance
Safety procedures are important to anyone operating in dangerous environments. But it can happen that due to pressure or busy schedules, not the whole procedure is followed. With Smart Field Support it is possible to embed safety procedures in the application. This way any procedure can be kept top of mind and trained frequently. The application logs who has followed all steps of the procedure, when they performed the procedure and how long they took to do so.
Show instruction videos
Videos can be very useful to effectively share knowledge on an asset or of a short procedure. Within Smart Field Support we can embed videos or navigate to a web link where a video is played. Product information or direct instructions can be shared easily this way
Bring up the relevant documentation
The software allows to bring documentation directly in the operator’s hand. So no paper printed paper packs to go through but simply a digital view on a tablet. This saves a lot of time searching for the right information and because the document is shown on a screen it allows the operator to zoom in or out to get a better view.
How to set up the application:
Setting up the application can be done quickly because we use a picture as a basis instead of a point cloud scan or 3D render. TechBinder has experienced engineers that help you set up the right functionality and support you with the implementation of the application. Depending on the requirements and availability of information / pre scribed procedures we could even have an application running in less than 4 hours. Our engineers will train your personnel to use the application but due to its intuitive setup your employees will adept really fast. During the first period after delivering and implementing the tool our engineers stay in close contact to finalise and possibly add or change at your request. Once operating TechBinder will make sure you have access to updates, new functionalities and when new employees need to be trained we accommodate that.
Where you can find Smart Field Support in action: